Saturday, March 1, 2025

Conductor Williams Album Art Work

Buddy of mine asked me to design an upcoming vinyl release of his album "Listen to yuur body. Talk to plants. Ignore people." Stoked to work on it. Here are some examples of the work thus far. More to come check out Conductor Williams music for the album Here Originally released in 2018 on a limited edition cassette.


GUESS WHOIZ BACK? GUESS WHOIZ BACK? GUESS WHOIZ BACK? GUESS WHOIZ BACK? GUESS WHOIZ BACK? GUESS WHOIZ BACK? AND IM BACK MOTHER FUCKERS! What have I been doing for the last nine years? Oh you know, nothing much. Just rotating around lightbulbs like a lost fly stuck in deju vu land. 2016. I quit drinking, using drugs, and associating with draining individuals, places, and things. I needed ME time. By the end of 2015, I exhuasted and a hard reboot was required. I felt humiliated, foresaken, forgotten, abandoned and destitute. There's so much I could say about that time period and one day ill get to it but all I can say for now was that CHANGE was on the menu. I moved to Los Angeles. 2017. I finished my undergraduate from the University of Kansas. I went to college backwards.. I took all my upper class core curiculum but never took the basics, like math, biology, because I knew I could take those at one third the price at Community Colleges. So I enrolled at Barton County Community College, Johnson County Community College, and Hutchinson Community College and took my remaining year on my own while working full time at a plastics manufacturing plant.
2018. I continued my education by taking tech boot camp classes for coding and web devolpement. I started organizing for the Chemical Workers Union at my plastic manufacturing plant and they layed me off, just me, HA! More of less it was a hit job, they knew I was pushing a union vote and they got rid of me. I got a job doing web dev and graphic design but I also got hired on by the Railroad. I've always been at the intersection of rust belt working class jobs and the creative world. But, I stuck with the railroad cause I was offered a position I couldnt refuse, which is free on the job training for Electrical Theory and Electrical Work. 2019. I was accepted into the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. I started my apprenticeship while working with the railroad and dove into it full force. I took about six months of classes for all things Electrical at TTC at JCCC. I eloped and got married to my long term girlfriend. 2020. I finished my apprenticeship and became a full fledged Journeyman. I bought a house. I had my first child. Covid happened by I still had a job and worked through it. Accumilated music gear and built a home studio section. 2021. Child care and children and child care and children. Depression came back. I started to struggle. I produced some hip hop and electronica music. 2022. I had my second child. Found buddhism. I started creative writing and poetry and wrote two short stories and erotica. 2023. My marriage went haywire. I fell into a massive depression. I gave up. 2024. Total darkness. I gained 50 plus pounds, started drinking again, and all around hated myself. I went back to California to get a grip on myself. I started cross fit, quit thinking in stinkin thinking.. and this is what led me to think what is missing from my life. And, that is ART! MUSIC! PASSION. 2025. And here we are. Now I'm doin alright, but I determined as hell to continue on with my creative endeavors. When I quit working on it in 2016, I needed to stop, but I didnt need to stop all together. Having children, education, switching careers, buying a house.. all those endeavors are not easy and thats what filled up my time. Now I'm in a place to pick up where I left off and push it to the furtherest limits.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Music performances 2009-2015

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'm back


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Lazy 7"

Here is the art and stuff for the 7